
Pack 453 ( 美華童軍協會幼童軍453團 ) Information 

What is Cub Scouting?

         Cub Scouting is dedicated to a rewarding experience with activities that capture the interest of boys with FUN for the entire family. Cub Scouts learn about and enjoy outdoor activities, community involvement, personal safety, sports, arts & crafts, and the environment. Scouting is fun with a purpose, and the purpose is to raise boys who respect themselves and others, and who have a strong character.      

Pack 453 Missions

Ø  Builds children’s self-esteem.

Ø  Kids have fun learning practical skills and knowledge.

Ø  Help Kids develop 12 Core Values of Scouting

Ø  Recognitions of achievement

Where/ When do we meet and What do we do?


Den meetings are held typically one time per month for an hour or more. They are planned and run by the Den Leader with the help of Assistant Den Leaders and parents. They often include games, songs, handicrafts, and practicing skits and ceremonies for the next Pack Meeting.


Pack Meetings are usually on one Sunday afternoon of the month from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm at Murdock Park,  West Valley Library, or Calabazas Library in San Jose. All of the Pack's Dens gather together for this monthly program run by the Cubmaster, the Assistant Cub masters, and all den leaders. Usually, there is no Pack meeting during the summer.

Join Pack 453

Boys and girls who are over age 5 or kindergarten may join us. All of the boys and girls are organized into dens of similar grade levels.  

How much does it cost? 

Pack Due: $100/yr/cub 

BSA membership fee: $84/yr/cub and Scout  Life Magazine: $12/yr/family 

The fee will cover the following: Youth and adult’s Registration, Neckerchief (Advance), Unit

Numeral Patch, completed basic adult training, adult’s position patch, and youth’s patches/awards (limited),

administration (e.g. photocopy, postage, etc), and other items approved by Committee

Others: Uniforms purchasing; specific activities registration/entrance fee such as scout sleep overnight, family camp, etc.


Who should I ask for help and questions?

Contact our recruiting team by email: recruiting@pack453.org.

How to Join Pack 453

1a.      Complete the youth registration online: https://my.bsa.us/055paa0453mb by choosing "Register a Youth". [Instructions:     https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PhgcgbH_v5qLMQ_DBlsNKs7W7aSfP8LA/view?usp=drive_web]

1b (optional).      Adult leader registration. Complete the online training “Youth Protection”. You can do that using your "my.scouting.org" account created at step 1. After login, it is under My Dashboard -> My Training -> YPT. After it is done, please send the YPT certificate to membership@pack453.org. 

2.      Pay the Pack due. It is not the BSA membership fee paid at step 1.

What steps Pack will do after the above steps?

1a. The Pack Committee Chair will review and approve the youth application.

1b. The Charted Organization Representative will review and approve the adult application.

2.  The membership chair will give instructions to you on how much and how to pay the Pack due. She or he will add your email address to the pack email group. Also, if applicable, please contact the membership chair (membership@pack453.org) to add your Wechat ID to our Wechat group.

List of supplies and equipment for new cub scouts

1.      Uniform: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iiA2QtmC4niys8LnW-VzfrZUrk0Q2BBCFGb88w0d8mc/edit?usp=sharing

2.      Handbook.

[Note] You can buy uniform and handbook from South Bay Scout Shop. Please feel free to ask the leaders or other parents if you have any questions.

Responsibilities of a Parent

Ø  Provide help and support for the den and pack.

Ø  At least one of the parents for each family needs to take Cub Scout Basic Leader Training.

Ø  Work with your kid on advancement projects and activities.

Ø  Attend pack meetings with your kid(s) and present his/her advancement awards to your kid(s) at the pack meeting.

Ø  Attend and assist with pack and den outings.

Rules of Conduct

Inappropriate Behavior: The goal of Pack 453's leaders is to have a safe, fun program for the Scouts and their families. The Pack’s leaders are well-trained adult leaders who understand safety and child protection and have the right to intervene in any situation that they deem unsafe. If a Cub Scout is unwilling to abide by the requirements of the adult leaders in charge, they may require a parent to get the Cub Scout away till the condition is in control.

Electronic Entertainment: Pack 453 does not allow the use of electronic entertainment (iPad, etc.) at meetings, or scout activities. Scouts using such items will be asked to stop, and if they do not comply, the adult leader may confiscate the item until the end of the event, at which point it will be returned to the Scout. Electronic devices such as two-way radios, radios used to check weather reports, or other devices used to ensure the safety or specific purpose are allowed by the activity host.

Pack Parent Agreement

        1. Agree to obey the Scout Law and Scout Oath.  Be a good example to your kids and others.

        2. Agree with at least one parent who mainly brings the kid(s) for activities to register a Scout ID in BSA website and complete the Youth Protection Training every 2-year.

        3. Agree to wear the correct Class A uniform on the occasion, meetings, and events where needed.

        4. Agree to join the Pack Meetings.  Meetings are held on the first Sunday afternoon every month (email will be sent if a schedule change is needed).  Class A uniform is required for the meeting.

        5. Agree to join the Den Meetings. Meetings are held on other weekends every month or depending on the Den Leaders and the parent's schedule.  Uniform requirements will base on the activity announcement.

        6. Agree to keep good attendance in every Pack and Den Meeting. Please send absent emails or messages to Cubmaster for Pack Meetings or Den Leaders for Den Meetings.

        7. Agree to commit and serve Pack 453 volunteer role a year or more (Committee member, Den or Pack Leader, etc).


         1.同意遵守童軍規律和童軍誓詞。 為您的孩子和其他人樹立好榜樣。



        4.同意參加Pack會議。 會議每月的第一個(或其他)週日下午舉行 (如果時間有所更改,將提前發電子郵件通知)。 會議需要穿著A級童軍制服。

        5.同意參加Den會議。 會議會在每月其他週末舉行,會議時間也取決於Den領導和家長的時間安排。 制服要求取決於活動通告。

        6.同意在每次Pack和Den會議中保持良好的出勤率。 請將請假的電子郵件或是短信發送至團長 (Pack會議) 或Den領袖 (Den會議)。

        7.同意每年擔任453團隊義工 (理事會成員, Den或Pack領袖等)並承諾一年任期或以上。